Home Edition: Yoga for Children with Developmental Challenges
Price: US $24 plus S&H
Three-part comprehensive educational DVD designed for individual and family use
- Introduction, Posture Benefits and Demonstrations, and a 38 minute balanced modified yoga class
- Live navigation buttons support non-readers
- Supports continuity of yoga practice for students participating in the Teacher Edition program
The Child's Pose is a resting pose.
Benefits include:
Benefits include:
- Calming, organizing, and increases feelings of safety and self-nurturing
- Strengthens the immune system
- Stretches the spine, abdominal and leg muscles
- Decongests and cleanses the viscera organs
- Draws attention inward
Cat Stretches warms up the body.
Benefits include:
Benefits include:
- Stretching the front and back of the body and neck
- Provides a gentle massage to the spine and belly organs
- Promotes eye control
- Calming
Click on images for benefits
FREE Printable Brochure: Peaceful Pathways Yoga: About Us, Services, Benefits of Yoga
FREE Printable Flyer – Yoga DVD – Home Edition: Yoga for Children with Developmental Challenges